Dragonknight PvP Builds
1 Bar PvP Dragonknight
Crazy ultimate generation, HUGE whips and little-no incoming damage on a 1 bar pvp build? How is it possible? This eso dragonkinght pvp build uses 1 bar to kill, sustain and survive making it a great class to learn on. It has good sustain and hits like a truck. It takes little damage due to sitting in our ultimate for most of the fight. It's hands down a blast to play and works in Cyrodiil, Battlegrounds and Duels.
Dark elf / Imperial
2. High Elf / Orc
3. Breton / Argonian
Attributes & Mundus Stone
32 Health
16 Magicka
16 Stamina
Note: Aim for 30,000+ Health before putting points into magicka/stamina
Warrior (Weapon damage)
Atronach (Magicka recovery)
Tri Stat Food: (Health, Magicka, Stamina)
Bewitched Sugar Skulls
Longfin Pastry
2. Recovery Food: (Health, Magicka, Magicka Recovery)
Clockwork Citrus Fillet
Witch Mother's Potent Brew
Champion Points
Deadly Strikes
Master At Arms
Iron Clad
Duelist's Rebuff
Survivial Instincts
Pain's Refuge
Sustained by Suffering
Steed's Blessing
Liquid Efficiency
War Mount (Flex Spot)
Tips, Tricks & More!
Find out how to play the build here as I give tips/tricks and explain what I'm doing. Click the picture to be taken to YouTube.
NB: Link disabled as it is/or is due to be in early access on Patreon for Bronze+ Members.