If you like the content I create, the things you see on this website or want to directly help me continue to make content then below are several ways for you to do so. Your support allows me to find time to create content and continue doing this. All support continues to be put back into the channel and community through hardware and software upgrades to helping maintain this website in an ad-free state! It all really helps!
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By simply watching, liking and commenting on my content, it tells YouTube and me that this is the type of content you like to watch. This allows me to me plan my content going forward and to tailor it to the needs of the community. Another way to help is by sharing my videos with people. Finally, watching the adverts REALLY does help so if you can - don't skip!
Other ways to help!
Join my twitch where I stream occasionally
NB: I stream on YouTube most weeks
Support me in game:
PC NA: @unified-gaming
PC EU: @unified-gaming